Why I Started Blogging?

Yes, I know I’m supposed to write about “Social Media Marketing,” not about blogging. This blog is designed for that, and It seems like I’m diverging from the subject.

No, I’m not off the tracks. Truly, blogging is very much related to the social media marketing business.

I can give you a checklist of “Critical Steps to Grow Your Twitter With Real Followers,” but that is not how social media marketing works now.

You can’t just sell the product or service. First, build up your audience with great appealing stories.

Most digital marketers are doing that. Have you read Seth Godin’s or Jeff Goins’s blogs? They are the best storytellers I have ever seen on the internet.

Both of them are Best-selling authors. It is not an accident. They always have great stories to tell. Now they can sell almost anything they want with their name on it.

My intention is not to make money by blogging. Then what do I expect from this blog? There are five primary reasons for starting this Daglega blog.

1. Blogging is fun

We all are exhausted from being told what to do and what not to do, but my blog is my space; no barriers and nobody tells me what I have to write next. I can write anything I want. That freedom feels great.

As a Science graduate, I had to stick to technical terms and be very careful about grammar while writing scientific publications. Scientific publications are always in the same format. Have you ever read one? Boring no? Everything comes under subheadings like Introduction, Materials & Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusions.

So, scientific writing is painful.

The best part of blogging is I do not have to worry about technical terms or grammar and write everything in order, too much anymore. So, isn’t it fun?

2. Blogging improves my writing

My grammar is not good. Vocabulary is not enough. I know all those negative things already, but I have my own stories to tell. What should I do?

I have been thinking about improving my writing skills for years. I was terribly wrong. Thinking is not the way to improve. It builds only stress and pain.

Just sit and write. Read daily and write daily. That is the only way to improve writing skills. A few months back, I couldn’t even write a hundred words confidently, but now I’m writing 500+ words daily.

I just write anything that comes into my mind. I don’t even think I could publish these on my blog. Sometimes, I delete a few paragraphs with a single press of a button which I have been writing for hours. No worries. The “wow” feelings I felt while writing never disappeared, even if I deleted the whole post.

I don’t even expect anybody to read my blog because I’m not crazy. It is not going to happen even after publishing 500 articles. I just write.

Yes, I know, still, my writing is terrible, but one day, I’ll become a better writer. I know that because I have already started, which is the hardest thing.

I learn about writing from

3. Writers say; writing feels wondrous

I was curious. Most of the writer says it feels wondrous. I just wanted to test whether it is true or not.

Yes, of course, they are 100% right. It feels really wondrous. I feel amazing while watching a great movie, walking with my wife, and talking to my mom……

Writing feels the same. Sometimes, more wondrous because blogging is an entirely fresh experience for me.

Don’t trust my word. Write, then you’ll feel that.

4. I’m addicted to movies and TV series

I have watched at least a single movie/TV series every day for five to six years.

Sometimes, I watch movies until 3 AM. I am addicted, right?

So, I thought that writing was the best way to give up a bad habit, and It is working. I don’t know for how long, but I feel better now.

If you want to spend your time and energy efficiently, you’ll find no better work than writing and exposing your inner person.

5. Help others via blogging

“The easiest way to get what you want is to help others get what they want.”
– Deepak Chopra –

I know how hard it was for me to come this far.

One lifetime is not enough to take all the experience and learn. So, share your experience and let others taste the wisdom that you gained from them.

Yes, I know, all the above reasons for starting a blog are personal.

There are some secondary benefits of blogging for me. The blogosphere is evolving rapidly. So, people are blogging for multiple different reasons nowadays. Maybe those are primary benefits for you. No problem at all.

6. Blogging is a business

I’m not talking about promoting any business with blogging. Blogging is also a business itself now.

Some professional bloggers earn 5-6 figure income per month from their blogs just by writing, but my advice is, do not read “Blog Income Reports,” which is a trending topic now (pro bloggers do not do that).

It’ll set far-away goals for you and be frustrated quickly. So, just start the business and don’t drive by money.

Nevertheless, it is crucial to know the methods you could try for “money blogging.” Almost all bloggers practice these techniques.

  • Affiliate programs
  • Sponsored posts
  • Displaying ads on the blog (Google Ads)
  • Selling books/Apps/Podcasts

7. Networking is the base

Building a loyal network is the base of any business. With a blog, you can bring new interested people (potential customers) into the business.

We can learn more about the people and what they expect from us and our business. So, the blog is the place where we can build trust and gain influence about our business.

8. Be an expert in your field

I have been operating as a freelance Social Media Strategist for years. Still, I have learned a lot about the social media business after I started blogging about my own field.

Do you know why?

I had to learn a lot and do proper research before writing an article. While researching, I’m taking notes, adding posts to my later reading list, gaining fresh blogging ideas, find a few new blogs worth reading every day.

Isn’t it the way to learn new things?

That is why I said; blogging helps me to be an expert in my field. You’ll understand that when you’ve started.

9. Blogging for SEO

I have been told that Google has paid more attention to businesses with blogs since their last few updates, and Google loves fresh content. Maybe blogging is the best way to bring your website to the top.

I knew nothing about Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Don’t take my word wrong. I’m not proud of that. As a social media strategist, I should have learned at least the basics of SEO.

I thought that SEO was only for geeks, and it was a callous thing to learn. So, I immediately gave up. However, now I’m learning SEO by practicing basic SEO techniques.

10. Online you; first impression

There is probably a lot of information about you on the internet, but when somebody searches for you online, you have to ensure that they get the right first impression.

Sometimes, our social media profiles (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram always come at the top in my case) do not give a proper impression of our skills.

Bloggers can fix that issue by creating great content. Your blog/articles will show you who “YOU” are and what you can do. So, blogging is the key to uncovering your skills to the world.

And almost all successful bloggers claim that “About Me” page on their blog is one of the most useful and has tremendous value. They get a lot of new clients/sales through that page.

It is not just a bio. They talk about their journey, achievements, goals, skills, and reviews of their work/products step by step on the “About Me” page.

See the killer “About Me” page of Donna Moritz, the owner of the SociallySorted blog.

Finally, as I said to you in the beginning, I’m not off the tracks. So, where do blogging and social media marketing cross paths?

We all are posting/promoting others’ content on social media, sometimes without even going through those content because we don’t have our own things. I have been doing that since the day I created my social media.

I was not a content creator, and I had no other options.

You publish quality content, provide value to your readers/customers, and people don’t think twice about sharing your content on their walls. You’ll see how your social media grow.

Over to you

If you are a beginner at blogging like me, don’t spend too much time worrying about SEO stuff. It’ll block you from writing pure thoughts of yours and writing fast.

First, put your head into the blogging community and then learn things gently. Be patient.

Tell me, why did you start a blog?

Featured photo by DISRUPTIVO

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